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Sacroiliac Joint Pain

SamWell Institute for Pain Management

Pain Management Specialist located in Colonia, NJ, Livingston, NJ & Englewood, NJ

If you experience sacroiliac joint pain, which might present as low back or pelvic pain, pain management specialists Jay Shah, MD, and the team have pain-relieving solutions at SamWell Institute for Pain Management in Colonia, Englewood and Livingston, New Jersey. They offer sacroiliac joint fusion and other surgical and nonsurgical solutions to restore your quality of life. Schedule an appointment by phone or online to learn more about your options.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Q&A

What is sacroiliac joint pain?

Sacroiliac joint pain is discomfort in one or both of your sacroiliac joints, which are joints that connect your hip bones to the lower spine. You might mistake sacroiliac pain with other low back pain issues. Treatment with specialists at SamWell Institute for Pain Management can offer you relief.

What are the symptoms of sacroiliac joint pain?

If you suffer from sacroiliac joint pain, you might experience a feeling of discomfort near your lower back, butt, or pelvis when you:


  • Sit for long periods
  • Climb stairs
  • Run
  • Take large strides
  • Bear weight more on one leg


Seeking treatment with Dr. Shah and his team is the best way to overcome sacroiliac joint pain and prevent it from recurring.

What are the risk factors for sacroiliac joint pain?

While sacroiliac joint dysfunction can happen to anyone, certain factors increase your risk. Examples include arthritis, a traumatic injury, injections, or pregnancy. When left untreated, sacroiliac joint pain can lead to depression or insomnia in some cases.

How does my provider diagnose sacroiliac joint problems?

To diagnose the cause of sacroiliac joint pain and develop a treatment plan, Dr. Shah asks about your symptoms and medical history. He completes a physical examination and pinpoints the cause of pain by moving your legs into various positions or placing pressure near your hips.


X-rays or MRIs can reveal sacroiliac joint damage. Dr. Shah might use anesthetic injections to determine if numbing areas near your sacroiliac joint stops the pain.

What are my sacroiliac joint pain treatment options?

Based on the cause, type, and severity of sacroiliac joint pain, Dr. Shah and his team might recommend the following treatments:

Ice, heat, and rest

Sometimes resting your joints and placing ice or heat on it can relieve sacroiliac joint swelling and pain associated with it.

Physical therapy

Dr. Shah and his team offer physical therapy to stretch and strengthen sacroiliac joints and surrounding tissues to offer you relief.


Taking pain-relieving medications, muscle relaxants, or other medicines can reduce sacroiliac joint pain and give you a better quality of life.

Electrical stimulation

Implanting an electrical stimulator into your sacrum emits electrical impulses that block pain signals to alleviate sacroiliac pain. 

Joint injections

Receiving joint injections can reduce sacroiliac joint inflammation and the discomfort associated with it.

Radiofrequency denervation

Using a device that submits radiofrequency energy, Dr. Shah can destroy nerve tissues associated with sacroiliac pain.

What is joint fusion?

In severe cases of sacroiliac pain, Dr. Shah might recommend a sacroiliac joint fusion procedure using a posterior approach without any hardware, screws, or instrumentation. This surgical procedure fuses bones together to reduce joint pain with minimal downtime.


Don’t live with sacroiliac pain if it reduces your mobility, range of motion, or overall quality of life. Schedule an appointment with SamWell Institute for Pain Management by phone or online today.

Notes: Context: I'd also want this to include Sacroiliac Joint Fusion (there a numerous companies that do this - the one I work with is called PainTeq), but i'd prefer to keep this separate and only focus on the therapy. Posterior approach to sacroiliac joint fusion WITHOUT any screws, hardware, or instrumentation