Relieving Your Lower Back Pain with mild®

The majority of Americans — to the tune of 80% — will suffer from low back pain during their lives. And as a result, they’ll spend a lot of time and money trying to stop the pain and regain their ability to get through the day without wincing, cringing, and struggling to perform even the simplest daily tasks.
Lower back pain is particularly common, and it has many forms, causes, and degrees of severity. Not all of them require surgery, but those that do may benefit from mildly invasive lumbar decompression (mild®). Lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication (leg weakness) is one of those conditions.
If you have lumbar spinal stenosis and want to avoid the pain, risk, and recovery of open back surgery, come talk to Dr. Jay Shah, board certified in pain management and physical medicine and rehabilitation. From our state-of-the-art facilities at SamWell Institute for Pain Management in Colonia and Livingston, New Jersey, he treats patients suffering from multiple types and sources of pain with a unique interventional approach that embraces the most advanced and effective techniques in the field of pain management.
If you have lower back pain and are looking for answers, or you know you have lumbar spinal stenosis and have been told you need surgery, Dr. Shah can help you understand exactly what’s going on inside your spine and how to address it safely and effectively. For many patients, he recommends the mild procedure. Here’s why:
Understanding lumbar spinal stenosis
If you have lumbar spinal stenosis, your spine in the lower region of your back has narrowed inside and is cramping the space needed for your nerves, which typically run the length of your spinal cord unhindered, referred to as neurogenic claudication. This can be caused by herniated discs, bone spurs, injuries, or even tumors, but the most common cause is simply aging.
Over time, the soft, cushiony discs between your vertebrae wear out and deteriorate — it’s just a fact. While some factors, such as being overweight or having a family member with scoliosis or spinal stenosis, can put you at greater risk, anyone who lives long enough will experience this condition to some degree.
When it happens, you may feel pain in your lower back and pain, numbness, and/or tingling in your legs and feet. Cramping, Heaviness, or weakness are also common symptoms
Treating your lumbar spinal stenosis
Dr. Shah always completes a thorough examination of your spine and takes into account your overall health, your age, your weight, and your activity goals before recommending any treatment plan. He begins with the most conservative options first, such as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, exercise, and weight loss, as in many cases, that’s all you need to overcome your pain.
As an interventional specialist, Dr. Shah may also suggest acupuncture or even cognitive behavioral therapy to help you manage your pain. But when surgery is the best answer to relieve the pressure, he prefers the mild method.
The mild way
If your lumbar spinal stenosis has progressed to the point where the only way to provide relief is by clearing away some of the tissue that’s putting pressure on the nerves, you may be a candidate for surgical intervention. Traditionally, this has meant an open surgery called a laminectomy, a procedure that removes any bone or thickened tissue in your spine that’s intruding on the space around your nerve roots.
The mild procedure achieves the same results but with much less trauma and damage. Here are the key advantages to mild over traditional open surgery:
- A single Tiny incision (about the width of a pencil eraser)
- Entire procedure guided by fluoroscopic Live x-ray imaging
- No general anesthesia needed, only a local anesthetic and possibly mild sedation
- No stitches needed
- No implants necessary
- Go home the day of the procedure
- Get back to activities in two days
- Low risk of complications
After Dr. Shah completes the mild procedure, you have a good chance of resuming a pain-free, active life again, just like 80% of patients who have reported better range-of-motion and reduction of symptoms in clinical trials.
Dr. Shah also offers another highly effective treatment for lumbar spinal stenosis called the Vertiflex interspinous spacer. After he evaluates your condition, he advises you about which treatment plan is best for you
If you have lumbar spinal stenosis and are looking for a safe and effective way to get your back back, give us a call at either of our two locations or book an appointment online today.
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